Previously -
I was somewhat surprised to learn that there isn't a suitable word in English for what my new hobby means in my native language. After some searching online and otherwise, "Fitness Boxing" is the best I can come up with. It's like boxing, but without actual bouts with another person. It's mostly about exercising one's muscles. Even though my arms feel like lead bars after a short while after each session, surprisingly the feeling doesn't last long. It's said that the impact from punching the sack relaxes the muscles, thus leaving less strain to deal with later.
Good God, has it really been this long since my last post?
Tempus Fugit and all that, I suppose. Work and holidays have been taking up my time,
not to mention
vidya games (but that's pretty much a given in my case). This is the final entry for the
sketch-stretch. I won't give any clues for this one, suffice to say that it doesn't directly refer to what it portrays.
It took me
ages to complete the damn picture. It was my first encounter in drawing fur, and it was far more time-consuming than I anticipated. In fact, I hadn't really considered the ordeal at all; I think I was focused so much on the line-art (in my usual fashion) and thought that the fur was simply a coat of colour. To make matters worse, I had a moment with where I was
satisfied with the work so far, but I had to go and make a little tweak here, a little correction there, and soon found myself sinking easily over a double amount of time into the drawing. I honestly lost count on how may hours I spent on it, but let's say around eight.
So, enjoy the thing I guess. I still think it looks like a damn mutant, but by God I wasted too many hours of my life on it
not to showcase it. At the very least, I can leave it here as a warning as to how
not to draw fur / animals / similar themes. That being said, I think I might switch to vector-art for a while, as I promised a few posts back. Let's see how that goes, shall we?
Sketch-Stretch 5 |